About Us
Dharma House Lisbon has the vision to offer authentic Buddhist Dharma teachings and meditation practices in the Tibetan tradition.
Closely connected to Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, the abbot of Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Nepal, Dharma House Lisbon will be visited by authentic renown teachers of this lineage, life-long practitioners, monks and nuns.
Our wish is to create a space of openness, where people, especially people from Portugal can come to get familiarity with their mind and it’s essence.
Practicing the Buddhist teachings means creating the right circumstances for our inherent qualities of loving kindness, compassion and wisdom to unfold naturally.
In our Dharma House Lisbon one can enjoy and practice with a beautiful view over the wide Atlantic ocean. This helps to calm down, develop a kind heart and a clear mind.