To learn more about Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche’s activities visit –

To learn more about Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche’s activities visit –

DharmaHouse Lisbon

A Gateway to Buddhist Studies & Meditation

DharmaHouse Lisbon

A Gateway to Buddhist Studies & Meditation

"A Dharma House should be an environment dedicated to making authentic Buddhist teachings and meditation practices easily accessible to everyone."

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

"A Dharma House should be an environment dedicated to making authentic Buddhist teachings and meditation practices easily accessible to everyone."

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche


Weekly gatherings in Dharmahouse Lisbon

Dear friends of Dharma House Lisbon,

On July 3rd 2024 H.E. Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche inaugurated Dharmahouse Lisbon.  

We are very happy to announce the first of our weekly gatherings in Dharmahouse Lisbon from September 21st onwards from 16:30 -17:45 o’clock.

We will start the Tara’s Triple Exellence Programm which is an online Dharma course under the guidance of Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche. 

In Buddhism, Noble Tara is the most cherished female Buddha, the flawless expression of the inseparability of emptiness, pristine awareness, and compassion.

Embodying all the positive qualities of the divine feminine principle, she is the enlightened mother who, hearing the cries of sentient beings, quickly rescues and protects them from unfortunate circumstances in samsara.

To learn more about the TTE program, please visit:

Warmest wishes, 

The Team at Dharma House Lisbon

Photo Gallery from the first seminar with Khenpo Pema Namgyal

Photo Gallery of the
first seminar with
Khenpo Pema Namgyal​

Seminar at DharmaHouse:
19 - 21 April, 2024

Seminar at DharmaHouse:
19 - 21 April, 2024

Please register for the event here.

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